

When I was sixteen, I used to include someone on my daily prayer - his health, studies, future career, and faith – As in anything about him. The thing was I don’t have any idea who he might be. All I know was someday, I’ll meet him.
I came from a broken family and was living with my father back then. My mother was working as a designer at the Middle East.
My father was a certified monster (don't take it literally...waaiiit! Papa, please don't kill me, hehehe!!!) He used to be very strict. I remember one night when a suitor paid a visit, he handed the poor guy a bullet as a souvenir while discussing about something I don't really want to hear. He's not mean. Well, I couldn't blame him, if something wrong happened to me, there will be a lot of explaining to do overseas.
Since that day, I promised myself not to entertain any suitor until I finish college.
Time flies fast. I devoted my time as a youth studying and serving the church. I then started working in a magazine company two months before college graduation.
From a typical school girl in sneakers and shirt, I learned to take the path further than the lifestyle I used to have before.
I can't remember the last time I mentioned “him” in my prayer. I don't know, maybe I was just too busy, or it just sounds awkward when I keep mentioning something that doesn't exist - like a tug of war between faith and reality. I began to trust my instinct more than asking for providence.
Then there was this guy at SFC who loves to take pictures. He looks very mysterious. It was very rare that I get intimidated with someone…maybe because of his glasses.
I found out that he was my elder brother’s elementary classmate. He lives at a nearby street and works in an ad agency, few blocks away from our office. (Well, talking about research!)
We had our first conversation thru instant messaging. From then on, he became a usual guest at my chat box. We jive a lot especially when we talk about ad materials, clients, and artworks.
He became my knight in shining armor when I brought home a huge box of teabags and gift bags. He was a good listener. I remember when we were at Banchetto, I spent the whole night talking. He just listened.
He is a good friend indeed. We became FX buddies and rivals in weight gaining. We had side-splitting debates between things like coke float and macchiato. I used to tell him the things he missed at YFC.
I didn’t have any idea that this guy was discerning me. He even consulted my closest friends and family behind my back.
He had my “yes” two years ago. Now I gave him my second “yes” last September when he proposed at a coffee shop.
I was in the office when he asked me for dinner. I thought he was at work. We met at a restaurant and he handed me a bouquet of flowers. Confused, I asked him, “What’s this for?”
He told me, “This is the same day I decided to court you.”
I bought the alibi.
We went to a coffee shop with our friends and business partners for a brief goal setting. He told me he had a stomach upset (I also bought that). He left me in the table while watching an AVP presentation, not knowing it was purposely made for me. It was a compilation of all our photos, played with our favorite songs. 
I couldn’t move that moment. I felt like crying but I was still thinking it was part of our agenda, that I have to separate myself in Arshel's emotional side.
Our friends led me to an isolated corner. He was waiting for me (with changed outfit). He handed me our scrapbook. Still freaking out, I read a few mushy lines. He led me back on our table and asked me to drink a hot chocolate. When I lifted the mug, I saw a note saying: 
“Arshel, will you marry me?”
 I stared back at him. There he was, holding a small box of ring.
A decade ago, I was praying for someone. Neither do I realize that God waited for the right time to answer my prayer. It’s just funny I was the first one who gave up. God was so faithful that He still held on to that.
Sometimes, we thought we already knew what we want in life. We provide Him our timeline without contemplating if that’s what He planned for us. His plans is always better than ours and He never failed to answer. It’s either a “yes”, “wait”, or “I have better plans for you”. He never says no. It’s just a matter of time.